Thursday, March 19, 2009

What current events, personal experiences, and pop culture relate to my BIG QUESTION?

Current Events: Even though there are many evil AND good things that go on in our world, we really only hear about the evil things because that is what gets the ratings up and draws in people's attention. Why? Is that wrong/bad? Why can we as humans not get the same pleasure at hearing about the good things that people do in their lives? Why do the evil things get blown so out of proportion?
Personal Experiences: I don't think I feel comfortable putting my good v evil experiences in my culminating essay...
Pop Culture (i.e. movies, music, etc.): Cat Woman? (She is both good and bad, but chooses bad she wants to be); Lord of the Rings (battles between good and evil, proves that there are both in the world and we must fight for the right one and 1 hope that we choose correctly, and 2 overcome evil tendencies because if you are unaware those feelings are inside of you, you can be easily overtaken by it);

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