Friday, February 6, 2009

Is humankind inherintly good or evil? - New Reflections

I can't remember when the first time is that I ever asked myself this question, if ever...actually, I can't recollect having ever wondered about it. It's an interesting question and one that I don't believe we as humans could ever come to a definite answer about, but I think my answer will always be the same. The battle between good and evil within our bodies is a great one, and I would like the chance, through literature, to prove that humans are neither. As I stated in my first post about the good and evil within us, I don't believe there can be a force of nature that forces us to be good or evil, but rather we all have a little of both...there is a large grey area that better describes the inherent nature of humans.
Ironically, through no pre-planning, most of the books I have read this year have dealt with the question of whether people are good or evil (East of Eden, The Stranger...twice, Crime and Punishment, The Magus, Oedipus Rex...) and I believe it's a huge question that many author's are simultaneously attempting to answer.

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