Writing Prompt:
In the same world, we have had peaceful and god-fearing men such as Muhatma Ghandi, and we have had others such as Adolf Hitler, who have set out to destroy the world and alter it to their own benefit by taking millions of lives of others. There is a line that runs from complete good to complete evil, some fall on either side, and many many more fall right in the middle, perhaps tilting to one side or the other. So which is it? Is humankind inherently good or evil? Can there be a complete right or wrong answer? Please use the following list of books, and others you can think of, as well as pop culture, current events, poems, and anything else you can think of, to answer this question.
- Crime and Punishment
- The Stranger
- East of Eden
- Oedipus Rex
- Wuthering Heights
- Kite Runner
- The Magus
- Beloved
- Slaughter-House Five